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Module 1: All About the REAL You

Nancy Kalsow

Many of you reached out for more details about my “Unleash YOUr Inner Leader” program. I decided to create a blog series describing each of the modules, so you have all the details and know exactly what to expect.

As I mentioned in my blog “Unleash YOUR Inner Leader,” Leadership is a decision, not a title. It starts with you, and it’s up to you to decide how you want to show up as a leader. You won’t become an impactful leader without deciding you want to and putting in the work to make it happen.

The work begins with you, and starting right where you are. Being great at your job does not necessarily translate to being a great leader. Leadership is a commitment and requires real intention to show up authentic, bold, and confident. It’s not always easy, especially if you’re new to leading.

That’s where Unleash YOUr Inner Leader comes in!

Unleash YOUr Inner Leader is a 6-month program broken down into three modules, and each module has two primary topics that are the focus of both the group coaching and private coaching you get with the program.

Today I want to tell you about the first module.

Module 1 is all about the REAL you – it centers on self-discovery, self-awareness, and getting comfortable with who you really are. You have gifts, natural talents, skills, and experiences that have taken you this far. We’re going to explore those, evaluate their value, and get you to a point where you recognize your own gifts just as easily as those around you recognize them.

During the first module, we’ll focus on some key questions and learnings: Who are you? How does your work fulfill you? What’s working in your life and what’s not? How do your coworkers, direct reports, or managers see you? Are you sure? Is it how you want them to see you?

We’ll also gain clarity on your core values, talents, and purpose. What matters to you most? What do you find meaningful? What do you enjoy doing? What not? There’s a reason you get out of bed in the morning – what is that reason? Why does it drive you?

All the work we do during Module 1 will form the foundation for the rest of our time together. We’ll use a variety of tools – including various books, exercises, assessments, research, and yes, homework – to dig deep and learn all about you.

I’m not going to lie – this module will be uncomfortable. Growth usually is. We’re going to dig deep and work on figuring out how to get you from who you are now to who you want to be. How will you make that switch? What can you do to get from your current state to your desired state? You’re not going to become someone you’re not – you don’t need to act like someone else. But as long as you’re open to learning about yourself, we’ll be successful.

Then, we’ll put all that newfound knowledge into action. Once you know who you are, we’ll work on helping you gain confidence in yourself, accepting your own greatness, and take courageous steps toward impactful leadership.

You’ll learn how to be in charge of your feelings and emotions, conquering your own inner critics instead of allowing them to take the lead.

Every module ends in celebration. At the end of this module, you’ll know exactly who you are and will have developed the confidence to own it, which is so much more than most people ever do. And that’s something to celebrate before we dive into Module 2 – The REAL you at work.


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